Penticton, BC Funeral Homes
Canada Floral Delivery, as a service to our customers, has compiled a listing of Funeral Homes in Penticton, BC. We strive to keep this listing as up to date as possible, however if we have missed something please do not hesitate to contact us and we will update the listing. Contact Us
1130 Carmi Avenue Penticton British Columbia V2A 3H2 Phone: (250) 493-4112 |
501 Winnipeg St Penticton British Columbia V2A 5M8 Phone: (250) 492-0713 |
527 Ellis St Penticton British Columbia V2A 4M4 Phone: (250) 492-4202 |
1258 Main St Penticton British Columbia V2A 5G1 Phone: (250) 493-1774 |
110-1960 Barnes St Penticton British Columbia V2A 4C3 Phone: (250) 493-0091 |
The above information provided by Canada Floral Delivery with local and worldwide flower delivery
| Memorial| Funeral | Chapels |
| Crematorium | Directors |